According to an emergency dentist in Greenville, SC, your tooth can be saved if you know the difference between an urgent and a non-urgent dental emergency. For instance, a knocked-out tooth requires immediate attention from an emergency dentist, regardless of whether the incident occurred within regular business hours. Call our clinic as soon as you think you might need emergency dental care.
Other dental emergencies, such as a lost porcelain crown, do not require the same level of urgency and can be handled during regular business hours. While you wait for dental care, our emergency dentist will be able to advise you on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
We generally advise seeing a dentist as soon as possible for inevitable dental crises; however, given the current limits on dental treatment, we can’t. However, this can be challenging if stay-at-home orders are in effect and dentist offices are still closed. The following ailments are critical enough to need seeing an emergency dentist.
Emergencies in Dentistry That Demand Attention
Broken or Missing Teeth
Adults having loose teeth is not normal and may be a sign of a dental emergency. They could be a symptom of an infected tooth or trauma like being smacked in the face. The patient’s biting position and ability to chew may be impacted by tooth loss. To determine whether loose teeth can be preserved, a dentist should be consulted.
A cracked or fractured tooth may not always constitute a dental emergency. While it may not be attractive, it can probably wait unless it causes other problems. For instance, a sharp or jagged remaining tooth could cut into the gums and lips. Additionally, a fractured tooth can alter the bite’s alignment, leading to jaw issues. However, bacteria and infection can occur if the damage extends too far into the tooth pulp.
The same is true for crowns and fillings that are damaged or missing. They may allow dangerous bacteria to enter the tooth’s pulp, leading to more serious issues than the ones they intended to address.
Infection Indicators
An infected or abscessed tooth might cause several different symptoms. It may be difficult for patients to eat because of their extreme pain. On the gum, there can be a fluid-filled lump that resembles a boil. Additionally, there may be swelling in the vicinity or the face. When an infection is severe enough, a fever may even develop.
Dental emergencies may lead to infections or abscesses. An untreated tooth infection can spread to nearby teeth or the jaw. In the worst situations, a bloodstream infection may even result.
Until you can visit a dentist, try cold packs, over-the-counter pain relievers, and analgesics for the discomfort and fever at home. It will be necessary for the dentist to lance and drain the abscess; this procedure should not be done at home. Instead of waiting to visit a dentist, you should go to the emergency department if you have difficulty breathing or swallowing.
Brushing too vigorously can also result in bleeding gums. It may also be a sign of periodontitis or gingivitis. While not an emergency, these are grounds for alarm. However, if the bleeding persists or is accompanied by a toothache or swelling, it may indicate a more serious issue. Gum damage from severe periodontal disease can never be repaired; thus, it must be checked immediately. A dentist or periodontist is the best person to assess the patient’s level of urgency.
If gums have been cut or torn due to trauma, they may also bleed profusely. To stop the bleeding and stop an infection, sutures may be required. This kind of injury requires immediate attention.
Extreme Pain
Examining the tooth, flossing, and cleaning the area around it are the first steps a patient can take for a painful tooth. A seed or other food fragment caught between teeth can hurt quite badly. If so, trying to remove it carefully will address the issue and there won’t be any emergencies.
However, tooth discomfort can signify a cavity or an infection like pulpitis. It frequently denotes that the cavity has reached the tooth’s root after wearing away enough enamel. It may be very painful and make chewing and eating difficult. There may even be a need for an urgent root canal and crown treatment.
When wisdom teeth begin to erupt, a painful condition known as pericoronitis occurs. The teeth can ache a lot when they attempt to push nearby teeth out of the way if there is not enough room to erupt (as is the case with most wisdom teeth). When you have this, your dentist will suggest you remove your tooth as soon as possible.
Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can relieve dental pain in its early stages. Contrary to an old wives’ tale, aspirin tablets should not be placed directly on the tooth. It won’t help and can even cause the nearby gums to burn.
If the pain persists or worsens, it should be treated as an emergency, and you should see a dentist.
Call an Emergency Dentist in Greenville, SC
Our dentists and staff at Pelham Links Family and Cosmetic Dentistry can assist you in avoiding oral emergencies altogether. We are experienced in restoring your healthy dental condition following tooth loss, sports-related dental trauma, and more. Contact us if you need emergency dental care.