When it comes to comfort and discreetness, no other orthodontic treatment can beat the convenience of Invisalign. Did you just recently receive your brand-new set of Invisalign Simpsonville SC trays? Here’s how you can keep them clean and virtually invisible!

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How to Keep Your Aligners Clean and Clear

Establish A Hygiene Routine

Since you have to wear your aligners at night, there are plenty of opportunities for harmful bacteria to gather on your teeth and aligners while you’re sleeping. To clean them, a morning routine must be established. First, you should take your aligners out as soon as you wake up. Next, you want to give both your aligners and your teeth a good brushing.

Additionally, this process should be repeated before bed each night.

Rinse Your Aligners When You Take Them Out

You won’t be wearing your aligners the whole day. You will take them out whenever you eat or drink (except water). Therefore, to keep the build-up of plaque and saliva to a minimum, don’t forget to rinse them well. Moreover, before you put them back in your mouth, be sure to brush your teeth.

Soak Your Aligners Once A Day

Simple brushing won’t be able to get rid of the gunk that may have stuck to your aligners. Keep them looking their best by soaking them at least once a day. Use Invisalign cleaning crystals to mix a soaking solution and follow the instructions on its packaging. Once they’re done soaking, brush your aligners and rinse them thoroughly before you put them back in your mouth over your clean teeth.

Never Leave Your Aligners Exposed to The Open Air

Leaving your aligners out in the open will cause bacteria to form on them. Plus, you’ll also increase your chances of losing them. Investing in a case for your aligners is the best way to go!

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Get the Most Out of Your Invisalign Simpsonville SC Trays!

Schedule an appointment with the dental experts at Pelham Links Family and Cosmetic Dentistry to begin your journey to a beautifully straight smile!

**Invisalign®, the Invisalign logo, and iTero®, among others, are trademarks and/ or service marks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries.